John leaves behind his beloved wife Carol and four loving children, Lauren (Travis) Klitsch, Lisa (Patrick) Amick, Ellen (Marc) Beaudry and John Jr died in 2014. He also leaves behind his sister Lois, his brother George, his brother Tim, and sister Joanne died in 2015. He has 12 grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews.
John was born in Erie, PA, raised in Detroit, Michigan, and lived in Clinton Township, Michigan.
John joined the Coast Guard Reserves and served in the U.S. Coast Guard as a 1st Class Petty Officer.
After leaving the Coast Guard he worked for RCA Service Company as an Electronic Tec.
In 1965, he went to computer school. Graduated 1st in his class, married his wife Carol, and began his career at General Motors. He conducted the first overseas audit in Brazil. His career spanned forty years.
John loved puzzles, reading, bowling and working with his wife in Marriage Encounter.
When he retired to Arizona in 2002, he was active in the local HOA and served as vice president, then president for three years.
His family, friends, and neighbors will sorely miss him.