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Memorial Ideas To Honor Your Loved One

memorial ideasThere are many ways to honor a loved one who has passed away. Funerals are the type of services most people are familiar with, but they are not the only options available. Memorial services can also be very meaningful for friends and family. In this blog, we will discuss some memorial ideas if you are looking for inspiration on ways to honor your loved one.

The term memorial service is occasionally incorrectly used interchangeably with the term “funeral service.” Unlike at a funeral, the body of the deceased will not be present at a memorial service. As a result, a memorial service is not subject to the same time concerns as a funeral and is often done if the deceased has been cremated. For example, the scattering of cremated remains is often done as part of a memorial service.

A memorial service can also be held in conjunction with a funeral. A small, private funeral before the memorial service can allow family and close friends to say their final goodbyes in a more intimate setting. This can be especially helpful if the memorial service is intended to be a celebration of the life that has been lived instead of the mourning of those left behind. If you are planning a memorial service, here are a few different memorial ideas you can consider to personalize the service.

Personalized Memorial Ideas

Memory Table: Ask all attendees to bring something representative of a favorite memory they have of the deceased. Photographs are common, but anything from ticket stubs from a concert or seashells from a shared trip to the beach can evoke powerful memories. It can be helpful to provide 3×5 cards to allow the guests to explain the significance of the object they brought or to simply share a memory without an object.

Seeded Paper: Most often made with wildflower seeds, seeded paper can be used to make cards or bookmarks. This paper can then be planted after the memorial service. For memorial services, forget-me-not seeds are a common choice. If you choose paper with the seeds of any perennial flower, they can provide blooms that recur for years.

In Lieu of Flowers: You may want to consider encouraging friends and family to forego the flowers in favor of a monetary donation. Donations can be given to a favorite charity of the deceased or you could create a scholarship fund to their alma mater.

A memorial service can be as unique as the person being remembered. At Mountain View Funeral Home, our dedicated staff takes pride in providing compassionate, personalized care. Whether you are planning a memorial service or just have questions about the services we provide, you can contact us. We are here to help with every aspect of funeral and memorial care.

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  1. I appreciate that you brought up how a memory table will allow guests to share memories they have of a loved one. I am in charge of planning my late aunt’s memorial and would like to personalize it so that guests can see the kind of person she was as a family member and as a friend. Maybe it would be best to find a memorial service to help me find more ways to personalize her memorial.

  2. Darrien Hansen says:

    I appreciate that you brought up how a memory table will allow guests to share memories they have of a loved one. I am in charge of planning my late aunt’s memorial and would like to personalize it so that guests can see the kind of person she was as a family member and as a friend. Maybe it would be best to find a memorial service to help me find more ways to personalize her memorial.

  3. Eli Mcmullen says:

    Thanks for mentioning that you can add intimacy to a funeral by hosting a private event for family members. My uncle told me that he wanted me to plan his funeral before he passed away last month, and I would like to choose a memorial that will be meaningful to children that read it. Maybe I should find a professional to help me choose the perfect memorial.

  4. Eli Mcmullen says:

    Thanks for mentioning that you can add intimacy to a funeral by hosting a private event for family members. My uncle told me that he wanted me to plan his funeral before he passed away last month, and I would like to choose a memorial that will be meaningful to children that read it. Maybe I should find a professional to help me choose the perfect memorial.

  5. Toby Ryan says:

    I love that you brought up how adding special items to a memorial table can help you bring back strong memories of a person. My brother recently passed away last month, and I would like to find a way to help his children remember him once they are old enough to understand that he passed away. Maybe I should find a quality memorial to help bring back memories of their father in the future.

  6. Toby Ryan says:

    I love that you brought up how adding special items to a memorial table can help you bring back strong memories of a person. My brother recently passed away last month, and I would like to find a way to help his children remember him once they are old enough to understand that he passed away. Maybe I should find a quality memorial to help bring back memories of their father in the future.

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